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Prenatal Care Specialist

Complete Healthcare for Women

OB/GYNs located in Loxahatchee, FL

Efficient and compassionate prenatal care is one of the best things you can do for your baby — and for yourself, too! At Complete Healthcare for Women in Wellington, Florida, the OB/GYN team guides you through each step of your pregnancy to make sure you have a healthy baby. Book your appointment using the online scheduler or call the office to start your prenatal care now.

Prenatal Care Q & A

What kind of prenatal services are available?

Complete Healthcare for Women offers comprehensive care for expectant moms. The supportive and compassionate team is here for all aspects of your pregnancy, including:

  • Regular checkups
  • Testing of all types
  • Nutritional support
  • Treatment for common pregnancy ailments
  • Solutions for pregnancy problems or complications
  • Labor and delivery counseling and support

The experts at Complete Healthcare for Women work as a team to ensure that you and your baby have optimal care at every point during your pregnancy.

How often do I see the doctor for prenatal visits?

This varies by patient. For a healthy, complication-free pregnancy, you'll typically see your Complete Healthcare for Women provider on the following schedule:

  • From weeks 4-28: prenatal visits monthly
  • From weeks 28-36: prenatal visits every two weeks
  • From 36 weeks until delivery: prenatal visits weekly

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, the prenatal visits are usually more frequent, typically twice as often. If you develop complications that require specialist care, your care providers refer you to reputable and highly trusted local specialists.

Every pregnancy journey is different, so your Complete Healthcare for Women provider recommends a prenatal care schedule for your specific needs.

What can I expect during prenatal visits?

During your first prenatal visit, your care provider does a complete pelvic exam, typically including a Pap smear. You'll also have blood and urine testing for STDs, anemia, and other potential problems. Your Complete Healthcare for Women provider gives you an estimated due date at this point.

In upcoming visits, you may not need a full pelvic exam. Often, second and third trimester visits are fairly short. Your provider checks your weight and blood pressure and measures your belly. You'll have ultrasounds as needed, typically at least twice, to check on your baby's development.

If your pregnancy is considered high risk, you may need additional testing. Your prenatal visits at Complete Healthcare for Women are customized for your unique needs, and your provider encourages you to bring any questions with you that you may have.

For truly caring prenatal care, use the online scheduling tool to book your appointment at Complete Healthcare for Women, or call the office to schedule your visit today.

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